The Old Blog Of Steffi Lewis

Founder & creator of YourPCM ...


The Art Of The Sustainable SaaS Business Model

Harnessing technology for a greener planet ...


#YourPCM #SaaS #Coding #Business #Marketing #Thoughts #CRM #SME #UK

As the dire consequences of climate change become increasingly apparent, industries across the globe are grappling with the urgent need for sustainability ...

We can all look forward to a better future if we harness technology for a greener planet!

We can all look forward to a better future if we harness technology for a greener planet!

created by leonardo ai

Amidst this, the technology sector is uniquely positioned to lead the charge, with Software as a Service (SaaS) companies at the forefront of this green revolution. But how exactly can a SaaS company operate on a net-zero carbon emissions model, contributing positively to a sustainable planet?

"The answer lies in innovative strategies that combine business growth with ecological responsibility!

For a SaaS company like YourPCM, achieving net-zero emissions means balancing the amount of greenhouse gases we produce with the amount we remove from the atmosphere or offset. Given the digital nature of SaaS, the primary sources of emissions are the servers that host our CRM, the data centres that store the information, and the devices that customers use to access the services. The process of going Net Zero requires moral decisions in each of these areas.

Firstly, the selection of hosting services plays a pivotal role. Choosing a green hosting provider that powers its servers with renewable energy and utilizes energy-efficient technology can significantly lower a SaaS company's carbon footprint. I'm very pleased to say that my choice of data centre was a good one when they announced it was being 100% run on green energy from renewable sources.

But YourPCM is small fry when compared with companies like Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. I'm pleased they have committed to achieving net-zero emissions, and utilizing their services allows other SaaS businesses to move towards sustainability.

Secondly, optimizing code and databases to increase efficiency improves service delivery and reduces energy consumption. Techniques such as efficient data querying, load balancing, and pruning of unnecessary data reduce the server load, lowering energy usage. I regularly clear out unused data and wasted resources on our servers.

The physical infrastructure of a SaaS company should also be addressed. Adopting sustainable practices like remote work or coworking spaces can dramatically decrease the carbon footprint associated with commuting and maintaining large office spaces. I intend to build a completely virtual company, so the vast majority of future staff will work from home.

However, my management team will probably work together in an office space, so I'll be sure to source one that runs on renewable energy and ensure team members who work there have electric (or at least hybrid) vehicles.

"Even after taking these measures, achieving absolute zero emissions may not be possible!"

For these residual emissions, carbon offsetting comes into play. This involves investing in environmental projects that remove or reduce carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, effectively neutralizing the environmental impact.

At YourPCM we already do this by way of planting trees via Tree Nation, a European NGO that works with over 70 community projects around the world. As the view counter on our network reaches a threshold, a tree is automatically planted and the counter is reset. We also plant a tree for every new subscriber to cover their carbon emissions when they use YourPCM.

But beyond that, we can do things in our personal lives too. I'm switching to a green tariff at home, I'm looking at an electric vehicle for myself and I'll be offsetting the emissions from my trip to Lanzarote next month. I also recycle as much as I can.

I'm going to encourage all my team members to do the same and will engage speakers and mentors to help the entire YourPCM team to do their bit!

Lastly, sustainability must be a company-wide commitment, permeating every business decision and strategy. Implementing a robust sustainability reporting system can help track progress, ensure accountability, and communicate this commitment both internally and externally.

A net-zero sustainable SaaS business model is very possible, and it presents a symbiosis between technological advancement and environmental sustainability. This approach offers not only a strategic response to climate change, but also a competitive advantage in a world increasingly conscious of businesses' environmental impact.

By doing our small part, YourPCM is helping lead the way.

Love, light and logic ...


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#YourPCM #SaaS #Coding #Business #Marketing #Thoughts #CRM #SME #UK

About Steffi Lewis ...


Foodie, sci-fi nut, cat lover, brain aneurysm & cancer survivor, countryside dweller, SaaS entrepreneur, developer and networker.

Published my first website in 1993 for the Open University and am highly experienced with Windows Servers, SQL Server, HTML, Classic ASP, JavaScript, and CSS.

I've also worked as a professional photographer in Los Angeles, USA and been a vision mixer and producer for live television in my time.

I live in a village north of Milton Keynes with my two cats, Baggins and Gimley, and a large planted aquarium full of unruly tropical fish.


01908 875991
