The Old Blog Of Steffi Lewis

Founder & creator of YourPCM ...






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AI Deepfakes And The Threat To The Next General Election
Don't immediately believe everything you see ...


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The EU Just Approved The World's First AI Law
I think this is a good thing ...


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Romantic AI Partners: A Privacy Nightmare Come True
Be very careful about using them ...


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Working Through The YourPCM Feature Request List
Getting my code on ...


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AI: Supporting Our Progress, Not Replacing Our Potential
We are not heading for a dystopian future ...


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The Art Of Quick And Easy Chatbottery
Coming soon to a YourAI near you ...


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YourAI: My New Micro-SaaS Launches
Content creation made easy ...


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What I've Learned From Building YourAI
Using ChatGPT and DALL-E ...


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YourAI Is Finished And In Testing!
Well, that was a long, hard slog ...


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The Divisive Nature of Artificial Intelligence
And how we can improve its image ...


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Why SaaS Founders Need to Watch Outgoings as Much as Income
Keeping your cashflow in check ...


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A New Micro Saas In The Making
A girl's got to keep busy I guess ...


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Perseverance in SaaS: The Undying Spirit of Founders
Hang in there kitty ...


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Google Reviews for SaaS: Why They Matter
How to keep that hallowed 5-star rating ...


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The Art Of The Sustainable SaaS Business Model
Harnessing technology for a greener planet ...


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Networking for SaaS Founders
Balancing the virtual with the real ...


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A SaaS Founder With An Idea Is Like A Dog With A Juicy Bone
Building something I didn't think I could ...


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Why SaaS Founders Need To Be Mindful Of Their Health
Your body, mind and business will thank you ...


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Steffi's Summer Of Coding 2023 Is Officially Over!
That's all folks ...


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Sometimes SaaS Founders Need A Little Re-Evaluation
Halting projects that are going nowhere ...


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Steffi's Summer Of Coding 2023
It's nearly at an end ...


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Sorting Out My SaaS Go To Market Strategy
Planning for the rest of 2023 ...


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Regarding Dashboards, Payments And Back End Systems
Working behind the scenes is just as important ...


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Of Pirates, Churn And Back End Redesigns
Avast! Ye hornswagglers ...


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Why Holidays Are Important For Early-Stage SaaS Founders
'Island Steffi' went paddling ...


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I had a demo go horribly wrong last week
Something I hadn't considered before ...


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A Weekend Of Unexpected Coding
And learning stuff too ...


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The Case Of The Curious Coder And The Calendly Integration
From time to time, I get a challenge ...


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Eureka! I Fixed My Wonky Flywheel
A new team for YourPCM ...


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Why I'm Furious With My Accounts Software Provider
I'm having a grumble about support ...


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Steffi's Roundup: It Was An Awesome April
Halfway to target, 2 months early ...


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Sticking To The Weekend Coding Rule
Tweaks, changes, imports and pain ...


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The Pivotal Role Of Subscriber Support In SaaS
Another part of the flywheel ...


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The Art of Ramping Up The Flywheel
Creating an unstoppable business ...


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What Is YourPCM's Goto Market Strategy For April 2023?
It's about getting more focused ...


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Steffi's Roundup: What A Marvellous March
What have I been up to this month?


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Starting Work On My SaaS Business Plan
Enjoying a sunny coffee with my accountant ...


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Why My SaaS Business Is Planting Trees
Going green is easy with an API ...


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Why I Will Always Consider YourPCM To Be A Small Business
It's about know, like and trust ...


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The Emotional Rollercoaster Of SaaS Entrepreneurship
Up down, up down, round and around ...


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Error 404: Train Of Thought Not Found!
Oh well, we live and learn ...


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A Timely Reminder About Staying Focused
Keeping out of your comfort zone ...


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I Am Really Impressed With Zoom Phone!
I built an entire IVR in a few hours ...


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Has It Really Been Two Years Since I Created YourPCM?
Actually, a little longer than that ...


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Every Tech Founder Needs A Crazy Goal
Mine's a yacht. What's yours?


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I've Been Playing With AI And It's Great Fun!
It's certainly making my life easier ...


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Not So Much About SaaS, More About Resilience
Sometimes coding is a long, hard slog ...


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Let's Talk About SaaS In 2023!
Documenting my journey ...


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The Law Of Attraction, Manifestation, And Taking Action
Ask and ye shall receive, if you work towards it ...


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Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real
What's holding you back today?


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Space: When Did You Last Look Up?
And what did you feel?


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Remembering The Space Shuttle Programme
Pioneering yet flawed from the start ...


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The Launch Of Microsoft Windows
My first career epiphany ...


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Of Alternative Medicines, Misinformation And Fear
If you're not qualified don't condone it ...


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The Courage To Follow Your Dreams
Lessons we can learn from a leap of faith ...


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Mars: Curiosity And Our Planetary Neighbour
The 4th rock from the sun ...


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The Day The House Of Cards Fell
Bye, bye weekly payroll ...


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Remembering The Space Shuttle Programme
Pioneering yet flawed from the start ...


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Oh Look, It's Raining Shakespeare!
Seeing beyond what you see ...


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My Introduction To The Internet
This is 1994 calling ...


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Technology And The Next Generation
Is evolution keeping pace?


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Thank Goodness Not All Germans Were Nazis
Memories of my Grandad, the soldier ...


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SpaceX And The Amazing Crew Dragon
Another step toward the future ...


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Steve Jobs: Here's To The Crazy Ones
How often do you think different?


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10 Ways To Stop Feeling Overwhelmed And Depressed
Before your head goes bang ...


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The Dangers Of Comfort Zones And Cat Naps
Why you need to get out of yours, fast ...


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The Procrastination Station
FM 103 point ah, who cares?


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Never Give Up, Never Surrender!
Welcome to the entrepreneur's armoury ...


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The Power Of The Sumvision Cyclone Mini PC
Now I know that size isn't important ...


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Is The Age Of The Rock Legends Ending?
It's a god-awful small affair ...


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A Midsummer Night's Dream
Memories of my Fireblade ...


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Find A Random Footpath And Just Follow It
There and back again ...


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Rosetta: So Long And Thanks For All The Science
Mission accomplished ...


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Memories Of A Small Black Cat Called Willow
That I buried in my garden last Friday ...


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Living With The Sumvision Cyclone Mini PC
So good, I bought a second one ...


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This Brief And Fleeting Thing We Call Life
Why do we leave things unsaid?


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The Art Of The NLP Reframe
Switching a bad mood to good ...


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Tim Peake: British Space Hero Ventures Outside
Of science, space walks and selfies ...


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Cancer: Exactly One Year From Treatment
Looking back with the joy of hindsight ...


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Mars: Curiosity And Our Planetary Neighbour
The 4th rock from the sun ...


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Cancer: How To Lose Friends And Stop Influencing People
Musing about feeling comfortable in my isolation ...


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New Horizons: Rendezvous With Pluto
We'll finally get to see it in all it's icy glory ...


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Neuro Linguistic Programming Vs Hypnosis
Is one better than the other?


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Of Planets, Comets And Amazing Discoveries
Steffi's favourite space missions ...


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Cancer: Finding My New Normal
It's been one hell of a journey ...


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Eclipse 2015: Science, Religion And Mystery
How our understanding has changed over time ...


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Cancer: So The Good News Is ...
And the other good news is ...


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Cancer: The Last Word
The end of my journey, for now ...


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Cancer: Five Weeks From Treatment
And I still feel completely awful ...


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Cancer: The End Of Radiotherapy
And a short descent into hell ...


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Cancer: Radiotherapy Is Getting Tough
Of cardboard and razorblades ...


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Cancer: Radiotherapy Is Underway
One week down, five more to go ...


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Cancer: Half Way Through Treatment
And still on for an all clear by Christmas ...


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Cancer: A Very Busy Week Ahead
The plan is coming together ...


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Cancer: Chemotherapy Cycle 2 Was Far Easier
Listening to my body was key ...


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Cancer: Yes, Some Days Can Be Awesome
The calm before the storm ...


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Cancer: The Ups And Downs Of Chemotherapy
And it's nearly time for round two ...


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Cancer: The Biggest Challenge Of My Life
Here's to the start of my journey ...


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Brain Aneurysms: All You Need Is Love
Two years later ...


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The Day The House Of Cards Fell
Bye, bye weekly payroll ...


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Rosetta: Comet Chasing For Over 10-years
Time to wake up little spacecraft ...


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UK Storms: A Warning From Mother Nature
Why aren't we listening?


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Ooo'arrrh, Welcome To The Country
Moving On To The Next Chapter ...


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Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
Zen and the art of not dying ...